Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The decisive moment

This morning we watched a fascinating video about Cartier Bresson. There was a slide show of his images, with his own voice talking about photography. It was brilliant and I want to see it again when I come home.

Fired with enthusiasm we went out to explore Apollonia. We looked for shapes and shadows and how the light was creating these. We also looked for any decisive moment images. This is my first. I  was composing a shot of the street when a returning tourist came and was greeted by the shop keeper.

I have been struggling to even have time to download my images, never mind to blip, so please forgive me. I have some extras from today and I'll add them as soon as I can.

We had a brilliant day with plenty of time to wander and look and think, as well as to take photographs.

I stopped to chat to a local woman outside her home and was invited in to see the print of the famous photograph (see below) and I admired her embroideries.

In the afternoon we were at the site where Cartier Bresson took his most famous shot on Siphnos. The motor bike in front of the famous door was not ideal (!) but we had loads of fun waiting for people to appear around the corner.

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