Ups and downs

By Vickym25

Day 200 - it's flown!

Can't believe I have managed to take a photo for 200 consecutive days - it's become a part of life now! Some days have been better than others but I've done it. Only 166 to go!

Was hoping for a sports day shot this morning but it got cancelled at the last minute - Lottie was so upset, it was her first one. The weather has actually been good today, but at least the teacher let them do some races in the playground later in the day, just meant we missed out on seeing it.

Anyway ended up mooching round the garden. Was very brave (anybody who really knows me will know just how brave!) and took a snap of a spider but I preferred this one in the end, with a bit of help from Picasa.

Well done to all my fellow 200-ers today x

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