For Mrs Napier

It's the end of the school year, think I must have been asleep and missed it all because it only seems a minute since this time last year!!

Lottie asked if she could make a cake for Mrs Napier, her year 1 teacher. She's a fabulous teacher, so enthusiastic about her job and the children, just ever so slightly eccentric. The cake wasn't the best - it was so warm and Daddy made it with her while I was at work - but it's the thought that counts and she enjoyed decorating it.

Once again I must apologise for my lack of comments - I'm not even finding time to upload my blips every day never mind comment on all your lovely journals. I will try to catch up again over the next couple of days!

Finished work for a long weekend but with everything going on at work I didn't feel my usual happy free feeling that normally accompanies a day off! The next few weeks are going to be tough.

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