
it's always nice just to chill at home with Zoe on the piano in the background.

We haven't done a lot today, a trip to the gym earlier - managed 10 minutes easy on the treadmill, hopefully I am on the mend... will try a bit further tomorrow.

What is more frustrating is this frozen shoulder - had it since December and it's gradually got worse. Definitely the most painful thing ever (apart from when I stood on and got barbed by a stingray - that was really bad!).

There is no known treatment - it is simply a case of sticking it out till it gets better. Around 18 months is the general view!

The first 6 months are where it hurts a lot and the range of movement gradually gets less and less. Then there is 6 months where it is less painful (not there yet!) and the shoulder is pretty much immovable. Then there is the thawing period where the range of movement gradually returns.

For the moment it definitely limits a lots of movement and things I can do ... but fortunately it is my left shoulder... and  I can also still run without any discomfort. Once my hamstring is sorted that is!

I guess i have to accept that it's basically an age thing!

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