Sea Defences

Well this was a new one to me! Mr L had told me about this happening a few weeks ago, but I had not seen it myself until today. To be honest I didn't even feel like walking Dog, it had been raining all morning, but by noon when it was not going to abate, I thought I should venture out or I would run out of time to all we wanted to do once Mr L was home from work.

I donned the wellies and parka and set off up to the front. As I approached I could hear that the tide was right in and when I saw the dredger along the way, only 10 minutes walk away, I dragged Dog quickly towards it. There were quite a few sightseers and it was an impressive spectacle.

The dredger coMes as far inshore as it is able and then projectile vomites all the shingle that has been dragged out to sea over the winter months back onto the beach, creating the shingle dunes.

Beautiful flowers arrived this afternoon from D, son #2, a belated birthday present.m

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