From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Watch the Birdie...

I'm fed up this week! Sorry, I am. I guess it's just one of those weeks. No one can be full of joy all the time, can they? This is my 'pissed off'', 'don't want to know' and 'everything goes wrong' week. Unfortunately, I make things go wrong with my negative attitude. I'm not moping around in front of Mom though, before anyone asks. She doesn't deserve that...

I got here on Saturday and dragged my work laptop upstairs to the living room to my usual seat where I can work happily all week and rest my eyes by standing up, walking to the window to stare out to sea occasionally. Typical! I put it down to being tired but managed to get my laptop password wrong 3 times on the trot locking me out and it can only be reset by the Desktop Team next week. Sigh!

So there we have it. I am downstairs in Dad's 'computer room' where at least I can get into work via the web portal using the PC. No interruption to work anyway. The British Open starts this week, by the way. Dad would have been glued to that 'good walk ruined' game. I won't be watching anyone's birdie this week. It's just sad. I am surrounded by golf cartoons and posters of Turnberry - Dad's beloved golf course where he died - and even his novelty golf bag phone you have to jiggle a bit to get to work. Poor Dad! He was never a handy man and I'm sticking to pieces of tape holding things up and stopping things from falling down. It's like Fawlty Towers in here!

Oh! And the rain is still falling. Marvellous, marvellous, marvellous!

I couldn't find a track called '@!!####%%%%%£&*%######!!!' so let's have my favourite Robert Plant track, shall we?

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