They fell off!

Im thrilled.

Today my jeans fell down. Without me having to even undo the button. I remember having to buy these as I was too fat to fit into any other trousers. It was buying these that made me realise I had to do something about my weight and vowed I was not ever going to buy a pair bigger than these.

So on January the 1st this year, I decided to go on the Jason Vale juice diet. I was a lb under 13 stone. I have been juicing for 15 weeks and today I am 11st 8lb. Its not a mammoth weight loss but a healthy one I think and I shall keep going as juicing has become a way of life for me now. My goal is to loose the last 8lb but I will get there!

Anyway, just wanted to share that with you cos I am pretty chuffed that my jeans fell off! (I tried to tell Mr W I needed some new jeans - he just said "put a belt on!")

And in other news I had another lovely Skype session with the Daughters. Always a good laugh. 

Lazy day for me today while Mr W is busy outside painting, gardening, hose piping, car cleaning....... Good boy. 

Update......I popped a post on the Jason Vale Facebook site and he replied!! Shock! Then.....he put the picture on Instagram!!! So today my knickers have been all over the internet!!!!! 

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