Wearing purple...

By 60plus10


...must have been born minutes before we passed on our walk with John this morning. We hovered at a distance for a few minutes, as the ewe was busily licking one lamb, the second was squawking but the third looked pretty flat and lifeless. After what seemed like an age it shook itself and roused a bit, and the ewe moved on to lamb number two so we were hopeful of a good outcome. Then the cavalry arrived in the shape of the farmer, John Stott. He said he'd noticed the ewe was looking thoughtful as he went for his breakfast about 45 minutes before, so he'd come straight back to check on her. By the time we walked on three little black heads were up, and all was well!
The day started with a heavy frost, and Longridge Fell remained covered in white throughout the morning. A chilly start, then the sun came through the mist and it was a pleasure to be out and about. Lambs, goldfinches, and a big black rooting pig - not to mention brunch at the Cobbled Corner before we left for t'other side of the Pennines.

The extra is another for my gates collection.

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