Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

A new beginning...

...to our day, for Mono Monday - thanks to davidc for hosting this month!
As we'd been away for the weekend I hadn't sussed the theme for the day, and when I looked at Freyad's post after breakfast I still got it wrong, and thought it was "morning". Anyway - I thought that ship had sailed, but then decided to blip our relaxed morning - a new beginning since retirement! I am not a morning person, and the slow start to the day we can now enjoy is still one of the best benefits of retirement for me - now nearly 6 years on! When I went back to Blip I realized my mistake, but decided that the shot still just about met the challenge :)
I used to get up, shower, breakfast and leap into my car about 20 minutes later throughout my working life.
This shot is after tea in bed, and breakfast with the papers: I'm showered and dressed and the pots are washed, Roy is peering in through the window on his return from his run, and I have the coffee ready to roll after his shower. Quick Crossword while we enjoy it - then I am ready to face the day...after slightly longer than the 20 minutes I was allocated for so long!

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