Peacock's backside

Today's the day .......................... for a tale of the tail

This is what a peacock looks like from behind.

It's not something that a peahen is going to be very familiar with - because Mr Peacock has put all his effort into making sure that his front view is altogether much more spectacular.  And to make sure that it is his front that she's looking at, he gets it all ready - and then he sort of rounds her up.  He goes sideways at her and sweeps her into position right in front of him using his tail a bit like a bullfighter uses his cape.  Then when he has her full attention, he goes into a full shake.  All the colours in those tail feathers shimmer and gleam (see below) - and presumably just blow her away (metaphorically) so that she is completely sure that he's the one for her.  It's all quite magical.

This morning's performance by the Gwydir peacocks was put on specially for our entertainment and delight.  We were sad to leave after such an enjoyable stay in this very special place.  Thanks Paddy for looking after us so well .........................   

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