Cherry Blossom Pink, Sunset Yellow

Rubbish cold dull wet weather - right up until 7pm.

So,  I thought I'd get a Blip on the way to the railway station, to pick up my prepaid tickets to a city in Surrey, tomorrow.

However, the sunshine that appeared then had almost disappeared by the time I'd managed to get myself to the park. 

The magnolia flowers still look shi - er rubbish and the new buds with flowers that won't be affected by frost are still just that - buds.

So, you have some nice pink blossom, with blotches of sunset creeping through thickening grey cloud.

Had to stop the macro lens down quite a bit, to get a good chunk of this stem in focus.

Macro - and flowers aren't my usual, nor was yesterday's child portrait - if you missed that, DO have a look - you can't moan that I don't do enough portraits if you don't see the very few that I do!

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