Billy Goat

By billygoat

Ideal location?

The weather forecast for next three days offers no hope, winds always in the 5-7 range, but worse still veering to northwest which is a total pain when trying to cross the Thames estuary from the south.
Had a look at the day at 0530 and it seemed worth the gamble and so we were underway by just after 0600.
The run up to the North Foreland was not bad under jib and motor (we are not using the main as it means reefing and we nearly lost a crew member over the side on Sunday when getting it down).
The North Foreland was not scary at all but as soon as we cleared the Kent shore the bungalows started coming down river and the wind freshened considerably. The Blip was taken just north of the London Array which is over the top of Foulger's Gat.
Wind over the deck on a beam reach was hitting 30 knots and Marcita was rolling her gunwhales under at times. Still we hit 9.2 knots off the top of one wave!
Made Harwich by 1400 which is a good time considering the conditions.

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