Bye bye Babe, bye bye Reesie

When you're crossing the Atlantic from west to east when does today become tomorrow, especially when posting a blip? I had a good shot looking back over Los Angeles minutes after take-off but the was just before midnight UK time and I had today's blip in mind already.

Sad to be leaving Chris, De'Shaun, Babe and Reesie. Always hard the last few hours before you leave and the first few hours after. Really good to see them all and looking forward to the next time. Really enjoyed their company and hospitality.

Also missing Southern California, with its contrasts; deserts, mountains, oceans, parks and cities. Still much more to see and do in the State.

Relieved when we got to LA airport without incident and in plenty of time. Relieved too to hand back the rental car which despite it being a little older and a little more unkempt served us well over 1400 miles and was quite fuel efficient. Gas was about 56p a litre, much less than the last time we were over there.

Checked in easily and were airside quickly. Had a bite to eat and a coffee by which time boarding had begun and we left on time. The Airbus 380 is a huge plane but seemed to lift effortlessly off the runway. A smooth flight with an interesting flight path, coming well south of the outbound route.

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