Will's birthday

He was born at 2:46 am. I swear that set a precedent for his sleep patterns, he nearly killed me by the time he reached four with his incredibly early wakenings. In more recent years he has organised himself so I don't have to actually do anything and he averages at a 6- 6:30 wakening. Obviously today was special so he was up and letting the dog out of her crate at 5:30 but then, remembering my "nothing before 7 warnings" entertained himself for the next 90minutes. Then we did presents, pancakes, school. I told everyone at work that I would be finishing early today as it was my best boys birthday. Forgetting he had his two best friends round straight from school so would have no interest in me so I did a nice spot of gardening while they ate ice cream and played Cluedo. Then swimming lessons and home for my parents arriving for cake (worked out well in the end), Chinese takeaway and more Cluedo. It was very good fun all round.

And (with ever so many thanks to Caileach for her expert and generous hosting) this is my Wild Wednesday entry, I am just wild about my boy!

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