The Way of Colour

By Beachcomber149

While it was raining ...

17C with plenty of cloud cover, but bright and feeling warm in little breeze.
Much golf watching on telly ... its compulsory isn't it :-)

It was all very nice and bright when Maeve the Deerhound and I set off on our walk this afternoon. The clouds looked low as we walked down the bridle path, but no sign of any rain.

Developments by the railway line today. The farmer (or farm workers I should say as a lot of the land round here is owned by large concerns) has been dumping lots of raspberry canes and compost and some strawberries on the shore side of the railway line recently. The last two years the dumping has been between the road and the railway line and later in the year it has been spread on the land with the path left clear up to the level crossing.

What might become bad news is that on the shore side they have been spreading today, then running over it all with some sort of tractor pulled cutting discs to break it all up ... but they are not leaving a path from the level crossing to the beach! That could be most inconvenient.

As we were walking along the beach, having marched across the spread out compost, a light shower of rain came on. We carried on along the sand and at the back of the Fishermen's huts took shelter under a tree for a few minutes. The rain soon passed, but I had been looking at the huts as I had been sheltering and spotted a potential blip or two. The shot I have chosen is thick paint and a bolt on the side of one of the huts :-)

More golf watching on telly ... could be that way for the next few days !

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