Who Would Be a Pig?
The well known expression 'Happy as a pig in shit' probably originated from a situation like this, although I can't immediately see why any pig would be happy having to negotiate through a sea of deep squelching mud.
The testosterone levels in the Dower House were at their highest this year as His Lordship and I finally got around to hiring a car from the City Car Club, and he got to drive for the first time in 8 months. Never underestimate the effect of car ownership on a man's sense of masculinity and self worth.
We had a pleasant tootle about the environs, admiring the lambs and the daffodils. while noting plenty of building changes in the ever growing suburbia, before we returned the car to its stance outside the Dower House.
38 miles on the clock and a happy couple whose bus passes were redundant for the day.
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