A Flower Blip
I am not a flower blipper for the very good reason that I have no garden at the Dower House, just a patio with some tubs of shrubs which don't enjoy their existence much and fail to deliver the goods as it were.
The exception is a large Chinese tub housing a Japanese Acer ( a forcible union of Eastern cultures!) which is under- planted with snowdrops, daffodils and these now pretty narcissi which have suddenly erupted from a tangle of long leaves.
As I write this, I am listening to a news slot on Classic FM which says a hotel in New Zealand has banned people wearing cycling shorts because it is a family hotel and finds close fitting Lycra unsightly with all the bumps and bulges on offer. I couldn't agree more except that padded cycling shorts are a necessary evil for any cycle run longer than 10 miles. I speak from considerable discomfort experience.
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