Things that make me smile

By sarahhallett

Manhattan Skyline

We left Florida this afternoon after a short but great holiday. As we began our decent into Newark I was sitting on the right side of the plane to get a fabulous view of Manhattan.

We had a tight connection - 50 minutes from the moment our first flight landed to the time the next one took off. This would have been fine but...

I was sitting 10 rows in front of Mark and the kids, so got off on my own and waited for them. As they joined me and we started to hurry off to our next flight, I looked at James and asked "where's your bag?!" He had left it on the plane!! Mark ran back and obviously struggled to get back on a plane when everyone else was trying to get off, but eventually he did retrieve the bag.

So we had another frantic run through Newark airport and managed to catch our flight to London... just!

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