
By cowgirl

So organised!

I love an organised invitation that comes with a pre-printed RSVP that can be sent back in the pre-paid envelope.

Who knew that moving house would give us a new couple of friends. Someone was watching over me when we were thrown together with our mortgage advisor ( and psychiatrist ) without whom I wouldn't be sitting where I am now.

We agreed when it was all over we must meet up with him and his family, which we have managed just the once due to one thing or another. We still hope to get together again before the wedding, but at least we know we'll be seeing them on September 1st.

During the buying process I was texting him so often that I found myself putting kisses at the end of the messages! Delete, delete! Can't remember when I first started leaving them there. Today I saw a comment from him on Facebook saying how he was doing a mortgage for a professional footballer who puts kisses at the end of his text messages to him!

So, if anyone needs a good mortgage broker let me know, cos I know an ace one.

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