Ford's Hospital Almhouse

I treated myself to a movie (Batman V Superman) today after submitting my corrected thesis version to my internal reviewer yesterday. But during the adverts before the movie started, I received an email from my reviewer that he could quickly check my thesis if I highlight the parts which has corrections in it. I was inspired to work on it right away but it had to wait because the movie was just about to start. The movie was ok, it made me cry when Clark died (spoiler). I dont know why. I was probably very emotional from the fact that I am almost about to finish my PhD.

I got back at the office at around 8pm and started working on my thesis right away. By 11pm, I got all the highlights in (with some more corrections, gosh!). And now here I am, typing the text for today's blip.

The blip entry and the Extra Photos are that of Ford's Hospital. I chanced upon it while walking towards Poundland at the city centre. It is a very interesting half-timbered house and it looked very out of place amongst the modern buildings around it.

Countdown : 13

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