Oxford Algorithms Day

Spent the whole day at Oxford today for the Oxford Algorithms Day. It was high time to go back and mingle with current researches in Computer Science. Oh boy how I felt so behind! But it was nice to feel to have understood at least half of what the speakers were talking. Since being in CSC, I have never been able to understand a good portion of the topics the speakers are sharing given that they are mostly Chemistry. Talks today were very theoretical and it seemed like the problems were studies that only geeks would do in their spare time. And because of that, after the 4th talk, i skipped the fifth. I went to see the Divinity School and Duke Humfrey's Library. Spent 5GBP for the tour which was very quick and we werent allowed to take a photo of the Library as well which was the thing that i was keen on doing. I came back to the seminar in time for the second to the last talk before going back to Leamington at 7pm :) Train was very late and so i arrived in my flat way past 8.

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