Life on the edge...

By bru22

Monkey business...

Today, I went down to Camperdown Park in Dundee to spend the afternoon catching up with AngelaBoo... and Murphy Poo... Who got tormented and dressed up as ususal!! :o) I actually went to Dundee to buy a sports bag and ended up with 8 more pairs of new Calvin Klein socks.. I have NO idea how that happened...

I had a great afternoon. Athough, again lots of band tour chat... 27 days until I depart. Makes my heart jump a bit... sometimes, not in a good way.. when I think I won't get to see Ang for nearly 4 months... Haarruummphh. She means more to me than she will ever know...

I got an email when I got home again to say our 3 days rehearsal are going to be in the countryside near Birmingham which I'm sooo much happier about than the original choice of being in Reading. 1 because it is not reading, 2 because it is in the countryside! Thank goodness!!! Also love the sound of a house in the countryside for eight of us to get to know eacher other (two of us, I think are brand new members) relax our rehearsals, cook, chill out... How I get away with calling this work, I will never know... I am pinching myself and have a feeling that moment where it actually becomes real and I stop pinching myself... may never actually come! I don't think I'll ever fully realise how lucky I really am... wow...

This wee cheeky chap I snapped at Camperdown Park today. I absolutely LOVE monkeys!! I have a dream to one day get out to a sanctury somewhere abroad and see them in there real habitats... I know there are a few sancturys over the world including Monkey World in Dorset which I visited last year, where they need volunteers to help build enclosures from time to time for Monkeys... one day I like to think I will do just that... Monkeys are so much wiser than any human being I have ever met... Beautiful creatures..

I swear I must have been a monkey in a previous life...

"keep your sense of humour. As General Joe Stillwell said, "The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
"Donald Rumsfeld - American Secretary of Defense

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