Roll With It

By Falmike

The Sun Is Beginning To Shine

Happiness denotes a mental or emotional state of well-being characterised by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

It doesn't follow that the absence of happiness means that you are sad or down, only that you are, or may be, content.

My rage against the world yesterday has passed and I am left with a feeling of acceptance of where I am. The lady on the telephone at the Inland Revenue was understanding and helpful, acknowledging almost immediately that my new level of taxation was wrong and that it would be put right, but not before the end of the month, a month that will see an increase in expenditure due to our hoilday, oh well such is life.

That feeling of things tipping in my favour was almost immediately "snuffed out" due to other circumstances which I will not elaborate on over a public forum, suffice to say that I do not take criticism well, I do not take unwarranted criticism well and I definitely do not take unwarranted criticism from someone for whom I have no respect well.

The saying that there is always someone worse off than yourself was never better illustrated than today when I discovered that a friend has been seriously ill, I wish him well.

Samantha has taken herself off to her room for the entire evening, I feel she may be suffering teenage angst over school and feeling alone, if I could shoulder some of what troubles her I would but it's a teenage girl 'thing' that Dad's apparently do not understand!
Joshua's new locomotive for his train set doesn't work, it does, there's just a problem with the track and/or connections but if that is all that concerns him at present, long may it continue. There is nothing wrong with his hearing, he has obviously overheard that during our visit to California we will be visiting Hawaii, he told me on the way home from Scouts tonight with the added comment; "Don't worry Dad, I'll act surprised".

The new kitchen is now well in use, we have a meeting with 'Truckie' the builder on Sunday who will come in and finish everything off whilst we are away and that will be another room finished.

I located Samuel Adams Boston Lager, two bottles, if the sun shines on Saturday and I can get away from work whilst it is still light I will enjoy them, until then coffee will have to do.

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