Roll With It

By Falmike

Just Not Worth The Effort

If you thought yesterday's 'Blip' was a little downbeat my apologies. It becomes difficult to remain cheerful in the face of such relentless crap.
The day began well enough but then went downhill so by the time we got to late afternoon I was once again in a position where I was trying to explain that;

"When your up to your ass in alligators the easiest solution is not to drain the swamp!!"

I gave up in the end and came home only to find a letter from those delightful people at the Inland Revenue increasing my tax rate to the 40% band. How in God's name they reached that result I have no idea, I had a 1/2% pay rise in 2009 but nothing in the three years since and similar increases on my Military Pension.
Have I missed something, were the thresholds for each band lowered and I somehow overlooked it? I doubt it!!
The temptation is to believe that some chair borne warrior has erred and doesn't give a monkey's about the effect on someone's life.
More likely scenario is that some office manager has set his team's KPI's and they are trying to get as much in taxes as they can to fund the next quango.

Cynical, you bet I am.

Now that I am in full "Jack Dee" mode I have decided to cease using Face Book for a while, my eureka moment came this morning when the sheer banality of it all suddenly struck me. I'm at the point where I now only communicate with my extended family, brothers & sister + their families through FB.
I have "friend" requests from people I barely know and wouldn't share a beer with, bombarded with photographs of all manner of things, many of which I find totally un-interesting and an e-mail inbox that fills with rubbish daily.
As an example, my ex and I divorced for a variety of reasons, it was not a pleasant experience and we are hardly friends but virtually all my family communicate through FB more with her than me.

What is really disheartening is that I don't overly care!!

Such is life!!

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