
By DramaQueen

I heart Sundays

We've had a really chilled out day today, but still got stuff done.

Mr A pointed out that we've had a stereotypical day; he's been doing odd bits of DIY and gardening, while I've tackled the ironing and cooking.

I had another tinker with my camera while he was in the garden. As per usual, all the wildlife buggered off while I was outside, so I decided to focus on plant life.

I've been invited to join a camera club, which I think I will do after the Bank Holiday. A conversation with someone at work led us onto the topic of photography, and the club was mentioned. I've been told I will be made very welcome (especially as they'd like more lady members!)

My next couple of Monday's (which is when the meetings are held) are booked for PT sessions, but after that I can arrange a different time to allow me the evenings off to go to the camera club. 
I'm hoping I'll learn from their experience, but in the meantime the best advice was to use the AV mode (the same as I've been told previously from Beewriter and Chrissie1butter).

Today's blip is of Mr A's latest addition to our garden; a lovely scented jasmine. I liked this crop of flowers as I think they make a little heart shape.

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