Sapsucker Woods Sunday

We played hooky today from church  and went birding this AM instead .The woods were not quiet because the geese on the pond and the grackles never shut up for the whole time we were there, but it was quiet further into the woods. In fact , too quiet! I was hoping for warblers   as a link on the Cornell website said that radar showed a major migration was underway. We mostly saw "yardbirds". Lots of grackles , geese,robins  and bluejays . A few nuthatches came by , but the usual white breasted variety not the less common around here red breasted nuthatches. 2 very loud titmice were seen. Of course the sapsuckers the woods are named for were all over (4-5 seen but more often hear(- tis the season for loud drumming)  in addition to some downey and hairy woodpeckers. The redbelly was hanging out by the feeders and flickers were everywhere, though opted to be camera shy. The spot of the day was a brown creeper. They are so cute and it is residing in today's extras as it needed serious cropping. One of the displays at the lab describes them as moving bark.Today's blip is a flycatcher, we think it's a great crested as the belly was a fairly bright  yellow, if anyone has a definite ID let me know! 

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