The Environment .....

.... is the theme of today's Mono Monday, because it is Earth Day on Friday, with political leaders from 192 countries arriving in New York to sign the Paris Climate Agreement. And as part of the event 7.8 billion trees are going to be planted, one for each person on the planet.

This blip is however the result of a "Grrrrr moment". I had arrived home from work to find I had forgotten something I need at home this evening and tonight. So I had to go back to work. Fortunately the roads were clear and I got back quickly.

This piece of kit tells everyone in the reception area  of Salford City Council how much energy the solar panels on the roof are producing. It has been heavily overcast all day, and it is 7.15 pm, so it's not the best performance.

But every little helps. We are woefully behind on everything we should be doing to deal with climate change, such that i think that there needs to be a lot of focus on how we adapt to the shifting climate as far as we can. Climate change is now inevitable. The really dangerous increases in temperature that scientists are worried about are looking ever more likely, with the outcomes as we travel through the century ranging from the deeply worrying to the catastrophic. 

I am optimistic about most things, but on this one, I am not. I hope I am wrong. And despite my pessimism, I think we have to try to do everything we can to avert the potentially catastrophic outcomes that are the real danger now, and avoid complacency. 

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