twinned with trumpton


So I ploughed thru the OT; 4 more hours to be claimed come the end of the month.

Then onto wedding prep- packed clothes for the next few days, washed, brushed, scrubbed and up ti hers for midday; took her for a spray tan and then back to get changed; swung past Waitrose for a JL vulture as a gift and arrived in hail at D Mains parish church for the 3pm kick off.

All very happy / clappy; they looked sooooo young; did a brief met / greet  before retiring to return later.
Back to hers; a couple of glasses of wine, ate a late lunch / early supper and then back via a 41 to D Mains. A ceilidh with no bevvy; after a couple of hours we had done all we were going to do, so baled out; for home and to bed in preparation for a walk on Sunday

Shot is the church blinds; extra is her in full combat regalia

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