Trompe l'oeuil

Into Glasgow (again) this time for a round table discussion on these children and young people whose level of support men's that they may have to be removed from their families for their future wellbeing. The term of art "on edge of care" is not one I agree with. Many children with needs and risks require care: the challenge is how that is delivered in a meaningful way that makes a difference and also via lances the child/Hong oersin's rights with those of the family.

A very complex area involving public services, the third sector parental involvement and the formal decision making of children's hearings. At every stage is needed quality assessment, good planning with projected outcomes and the capacity and resources to deliver. No mean feat with resources constrained.

A fascinating discussion which is the start of a series of meetings working out how best we secure positive outcomes for vulnerable children and young people.

Then on to Dumbreck for a conversation about recording outcomes and detailed planning for and engagement with vulnerable young people.

Back early evening to the newly refurbished office (it will be some days before we are truly settled) then straight on to a meeting about youth work in our church.

The blip was taken on my way to the Strathclyde Business School where the meeting, hosted by CELCIS, was held.

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