Life through the lens...

By ValC

All Tiny Flowers

What better place to be for Tiny Tuesday, than the Alpine House at RHS Harlow Carr, Harrogate.
Their collection includes more than 2,000 different specimens.
Not all on display at once!
As they are in individual pots they can change the display daily, as one fades, and another comes into flower. So every time you go there is something different to see.

We certainly chose a beautiful day, and the temperature reached 15C.
After a walk round half of the gardens we had lunch in Betty's Cafe.
What a treat to sit out on the terrace in the warm sunshine.
Then did the rest of the garden before a visit to the plant centre.
I never come away without buying something.
This time a hollyhock called Halo Blush. A single white variety with a deep pink inner ring. Hence the name.
I hope I will be able to blip this when ( if) it flowers.

I have put some other photos on extras.

So happy to have had such a lovely day, as an early birthday treat!

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