Buzzy Bee

Caught the bee in mid 'Buzz', don't usually have much success with close up with my camera but thanks to Crispin25 I'm getting used to doing Macro shots. Not brilliant but he was moving.

Beautiful weather from Sunday to today but today was gardening. Pulled up two old shrubs, they were 20 years old. Thankfully they were shallow rooted so not as big a task as I thought it was going to be.
Today filling in the gaps with ground cover and bedding plants - I know you aren't supposed to until May is over ('Ne'er cast a clout till May is out' is the old country saying that my Father used to use) but we are in the Tropic of Gloucester here and not usually subjected to severe weather.
After the photo was taken (extra) we put a wire fence around it all as the dogs sometimes go in there to do what dogs do to plants! No, not pull them up.

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