Sunrise on St. Augustine Beach

After the Rookery yesterday, we made our way down the road to St. Augustine Beach to find a hotel, have a lovely dinner and walk along the beach.  We were so used to the early rises of the last few days, we opted for another to have a view of the sunrise over the dunes this morning, and we were not disappointed. 

We have made our way to Jacksonville Airport for a midday flight and now find ourselves back in the real world.  

The last few days have been really wonderful.  WRPerry and I loved hanging out with all our BoBB blip buddies, talking wildlife, gear, birds, mealworm farming,etc.  Loved being outdoors at such wonderful locations with so many incredible subjects to shoot.  Many thanks to BikerBear,  Sefferdog and Maura143 for all the planning and organizing, and also to them as well as dbifulco,  dfb24, Hillyblips and Si, Photomatt, Joyce, and Mary for the good company and many laughs.  Looking forward to next time.  Go HERE  to see all the blips from this fabulous blipmeet. 

I am quite overwhelmed by the amazing response to my Spoonbill chicks of yesterday.  Please know that your lovely comments, stars and hearts are greatly appreciated. I am hoping that putting the big lens away for a few days will give my arms and shoulder a rest, and hopefully they will stop screaming at me.  

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