An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Watch out World...

Having decided to take control of my health and well-being, I have invested in an industrial strength blender that will allow me to make healthy pondweed green smoothies, fresh raw soup (it heats up as it blends!) instant ice cream from cream (part of my daily protein/dairy allowance) and frozen  soft fruits, as well as grinding up the flax seeds that Ingrid has told me to eat loads of.  It's going to be a busy machine. 

I ordered it yesterday and as I was doing my online shopping last night, I got a text from J Lewis saying my blender would be delivered today. Fantastic!

Given this piece of great news I took the opportunity to add a load of organic veg to my order, including curly kale, spinach and cabbage.  Well guess what, the carrier got mixed up and couldn't deliver my blender today because they haven't received it from J Lewis yet.   I was surprised it was going to be delivered so soon as I only ordered it yesterday morning, I suppose I just assumed since I'd had to take out a second mortgage to buy to, they were sending it immediately. 

Well if it doesn't arrive tomorrow, David's going to be having curly kale and spinach for tea with a side order of cabbage.   Winds will be coming from a north/north westerly direction.  You have been warned.

In other news, Karen, the latest member of Alan's support team joined us today.  Just an informal shift getting to know Alan and having a chat with me.  She's really lovely and Alan liked her immediately.  He was charm personified all afternoon. 

 It was such a lovely sunny day and he enjoyed showing her the garden and his room.  He even told Ed to get lost as he wanted to sit in the garden beside the Gin Palace with Karen by himself.  Definitely a good sign. 

I am still feeling very positive after yesterday's session with the physio although I think I may have over done things today and I'm definitely not looking forward to the climb upstairs.  A cuppa and a couple of painkillers required before I attempt that.

Apologies for the emergency food blip but not been near my camera today. And sincere apologies for being such a rubbish blip pal at the moment.  I will get round to your journals asap.  Promise :)) xxx

Stunned to hear the news earlier of the untimely death of Victoria Wood.  Such a talented and lovely lady.   Her clever and gentle humour never failed to make me laugh.  RIP Victoria.  

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