
Well.  He really is a very foolish cat.
He sits idly by whilst magpies parade around the garden, inspecting the lawn.  He makes enough noise to wake the dead when Corin arrives home from work - almost feels like he is trying to communicate "She doesn't pay any attention to me" when in fact he (the cat) resolutely ignores me all day.
He climbed into this box and it clearly wasn't comfy, but he wasn't for getting out again, so, like a fool (yes), I moved some of the contents of the box so that he could get settled.

Honestly! (There is an extra photo as well, if you can access them)

Productive GP appointment.  New doctor, on a 4 month placement at our surgery.  Today was his first day.  I arrived with a list.  Bless him, he smiled and said "lets work through the list one by one" and we did.

So, have started low dose beta blockers today.  New course of omeprazole for the daily heartburn/reflux and my repeat prescriptions have now been adjusted to the correct amounts needed.

Got home and just as I was drinking my tea, I heard the post arrive.  I confess that when I saw two brown envelopes on the floor, my heart sank.  Only letters that arrive in brown envelopes are from the hospital.  It was with some trepidation that I opened the first one to see the words "Your operation has been brought forward"....so, I only have 3 weeks to wait, not 5.  The second letter was a response, very detailed and well explained, from the Chief executive of the hospital, to apologise extensively for the various cock ups along the way.

I do not believe in coincidences and so both letters arriving on the same day suggest that someone has made sure I don't have to wait as long.  Sometimes a polite but robust letter of complaint is worth the effort!!!

Night night kids :-)

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