A bits on a mission .....
...... I will get him I will !!!
( From bottom right to top left !! )
I know he's round here somewhere, I will keep going on and on . Must have a good look round , now I'll hid in this tree, oh I see him ----- found you!
This Heron we watched for a long time when suddenly his head went into the water and hey presto he had a fish , before I could get a shot it had gone, all in one gulp!!
Then there was the hilarious Coots ( male and female ) they had a fight on the grass and a mating dance in the water then a chase was on, a case of the one that got away. It was quite an entertaining afternoon, a sandwich lunch by our favourite and quite near pond, what more do you need? Simple , not expensive , sun and a place for a walk, just the job.
Happy ..... to watch the antics of the wild live.
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