Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Da Vinci's sketches...

...from the Royal Collection at the Laing Gallery today ( see extras ).
Amazing Renaissance Man - art, sculpture, science, astronomy, anatomy, engineering - apparently nothing he didn't turn his hand to (though he wasn't a great finisher...).
Actually experienced the mythical - "you wait for a bus and nothing happens, then three come at once" on the way back from Newcastle! Don't know what Geordie Triangle the #306 kept getting sucked in by, but one poor lady in the queue had waited over an hour when they are supposed to appear every 15 minutes. She was heading off for her jim-jams and the telly when she finally got off the bus!
I loved the stairs in the entrance to the gallery - hadn't realized there was a tricolor theme to Abstract Thursday today, but they just about scrape in as a pattern with a limited palette...

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