A productive trip


I’ve been staying with Alfie, the beardie, for a few days and Ann’s been in Edinburgh trying to sort out the 'big Edinburgh flat refurbishment'.  For those of you who don’t read our Blips regularly……………………  Ann owns a flat in Edinburgh which has been rented out forever and is now in need of complete refurbishment.  The tenants moved out at the beginning of March and we had hoped that by now that the wall between the kitchen/living room would have been knocked down and the rewiring complete.   However, due to lying cowboy builders, yes; a review will be left on Checkatrade.com we have had to start the whole process of getting quotes etc again.

Fortunately Ann has met some very nice trades people over the last few days; especially the architect who she could quite easily fall in love with. Lol!

Hopefully things will start moving soon, because the flat has now been lying empty for almost two months and an empty flat means no rent.  And no rent means no money.  And no money means Ann won’t be able to afford to buy me any treats??!!

We’re back in Cornwall for about 10 days and then it’s back up to Edinburgh for a couple of weeks.  Can’t imagine any work will start until mid May (still need to actually get the quotes in) but Ann has said we will both go up there so that she can finalise stuff and when she’s not busy, she’s going to take me on some big long walks in new & exciting places.  Yay, that sounds like fun! 

 …………….And this is a Blip of Alfie & I having our afternoon walk in the sunshine before I had to sit in the car for 5 hours on the drive back to Cornwall.

Onwards & upwards!

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