Every picture tells a...

By Eptas

Brace yourself...

...for my first blip using my new camera.

I know it's a bit arty farty but be very grateful that it isn't the other one I'd thought of using.

1. Evidently yesterday's IPL (Icy Path Lifeguard) training day on the riverside path in Shrewsbury was a resounding success as no one fell or was injured on any icy path within the area monitored.
2. Summer is definitely over as yesterday Mrs E received her first Autumn/Winter clothing catalogue.

Thoughts of an optimistic pessimist:
We're off to stay with friends in Cumbria for the weekend so were going first thing Saturday morning in order to miss the customary Friday afternoon car parking on the M6. (Hoping for the best.)
I bet everyone else will have the same idea (leaving early Saturday, not staying with our friends!) and it'll still take us ages to get up there. (Expecting the worst.)

Homer J Simpson's words of wisdom:
"If at first you don't succeed, give up."

It happened on this date:
1968: Iron Butterfly's "In-a-gadda-da-vida" becomes the first heavy metal song to hit the charts.  It went on to sell more than 30 million copies (I have one on vinyl).

Hope you have a great weekend.

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