Every picture tells a...

By Eptas

Forget the forecast...

...of warmer and drier weather being on the way.

Obviously Shropshire Council know better as they organise an IPL (Icy Path Lifeguard) training day on the riverside path in Shrewsbury.  The guy in he photo is likely to be a TIPL (Trainee Icy Path Lifeguard) as he is facing away from the path he is supposed to be lifeguarding.  I don't think I'd want to be the one to tell him that he needs to turn around!

Thoughts of an optimistic pessimist:
The car is booked in for a new ball joint to be fitted tomorrow.  It's only a routine wear and tear replacement so it'll be a very straightforward job.  (Hoping for the best.)
As soon as the car is up on the ramp at the garage they're bound to find another expensive repair needs to carried out! (Expecting the worst.)

Homer J Simpson's words of wisdom:
"I don't apologize. I am sorry Lisa, that's the way I am."

It happened on this date:
1961: The first in-flight movie shown (TWA).

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