
By LadyPride

Retail Therapy

Mum and Dad came over again today to give me a break. Took myself off to Manchester to do some work in an internet cafe. Managed about an hour as my concentration levels were so poor (operating normally on 5 hours broken sleep is impossible!)

Headed to the shops (guiltily) instead. Bought some nice new pyjamas, new shoes and a few t-shirts and vests as am off to the Lakes with my husband and his parents over the next few days. Weather promises to be reasonable. Finger's crossed!

Found clothes shopping quite depressing truth be told. Hanging onto an extra stone in weight (mainly on my stomach, bum and hips) means clever dressing is the order of the day.

Couldn't resist shopping for Audrey though. Bought her an Olympics Team GB baby grow which I hope to be able to give her one day. I imagine the conversation might go a little like this.

Me "Ha ha, Audrey, look what I've found?? A baby grow from when you were born. It was a special edition for the Olympics."

Audrey "OMG, That's so tacky Mum. Whatevs. Lol" etc. etc.

Which will be nice.

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