Dancing Out for St George!

My first day 'dancing out' with Three Horseshoes Morris!  

We met the Towersey Morris Men at the The Red Lion, Little Missenden at 12.30 where I officially danced by first dance in public and Hilary chose my favourite, The Upton Stick Dance!  We then moved on to The Gate in Bryants Bottoms for lunch and a bit more dancing.

I whizzed home to pick up Matthew and we met back up in Aylesbury and were joined by the Whitchurch Morris Men and New Moon Morris.  We then paraded into Friars Square Shopping Center where more dancing took place.  I was very humbled by how many of my friends came to watch, thank you all so much!  

We then popped home for a cuppa before going to Wilstone Village Hall for Barn Dancing, Morris Dancing, singing, fish and chips and of course Beer! 

Many thanks to John King of Whitchurch Morris for organising the day, most excellent! 

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