Views of my world

By rosamund


You can tell we're back home when it's another Clyde Coast Sunset. The children and I had just finished watching a great movie (Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close) when I was attracted by the little strips of shiny cloud in the sky.

I hadn't taken any photos yet today so took up my position on the top step and waited for a passing gull to oblige to add some interest. The children volunteered to add interest too but their dancing on the grass was so crazy every image is just a blur!

Long lie in my own bed this morning followed by an afternoon at the nursery. Didn't actually get any work done though as it was Rhonda's last day with us before she returns to her substantive post after an (almost) 2 year secondment. I arrived just in time for sandwiches and cakes so we really all just had a bit of a blether and a catch up.

Picked Carlos up straight from work which made his day then home for a nice home cooked curry with the kids who had enjoyed a seriously chilled out day. Looks like it might actually be a nice day tomorrow (hope that's not jinxed it!)

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