Sapsucker Woods #2

The dilemma of the day was much the same as last week: do I use the best photo of the day or do I post the more rare  or new bird  instead ? Alas ! I have chosen the new bird.The best of last week was a really adorable chipmunk and today's best was a toss up between yellow rumped warbler and a frog. However , I simply could not pass up the Northern water thrush , which I freely admit I would not have looked for if someone hadn't told Glenn that a couple told HER they had spotted one at the pond. So I hastily looked up the bird in Merlin to be sure I knew what we were looking for and dragged him back over to the pond. After watching the antics of the flock of warblers for a few more minutes we headed to the other side of the pond and spotted movement on the far side. It was mostly shaded and often behind the brush on the edges , so even with the 500mm lens it had to be significantly cropped. So , not the sharpest of the day (I'll try to post later this week when I won't get out to play) but the one that got me all excited. Fun , fun ! a new bird!

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