
By DoguWCoast

New Home

So this one is about my hometown. They just placed this ugly block in front of us. Mad and disappointed. My grandma is moving out of the crib that she, me and the family grew up in.

Yo, who is the one? I hate architects, and rather than their doomed, dark sun glasses -“they can’t figure out what’s going on outside because of it”- the guy I hate the most is the person who dares to buy the land, then go “Guys, wow! I am broke, cuz I spent all of it on Camel Cigars and dope I smoked while popping the champagne. Well, I have a few stacks left, let me place a 3D rectangle in front of these cows”. Dog, you don’t know what I’ve been through. Really, you don’t. Let me briefly explain. You are taking away some serious s… from me. Last year one of my siblings died a’ight, she has a couch, once had a couch she used to lie on. Now, it’ll be gone to the house in the new neighbourhood, memos? Gone. Thank you. And matter of fact: I have a lot more memos dog, shut up.

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