
By Lemony1Lemon

Day 52- Brisbane

I carnt even put this hostel that im going to be spending at least a month in.. into words.. I just must have done something really bad to someone at some point, hopefully it'll get better but anyway..

Anzac day!

A beautiful day of remembrance.
Anzac day, is the day in which everyone comes together to remember all Australians who served and died in war and on operational service.
So I practically ran out of the hostel this morning, to all of the streets been cornered off and miles and miles of different troops marching down the street. From the navy to pilots to army dogs!! It was such a lovely scene and so many people came, Bowing there heads, clapping and cheering. Did bring a tear to my eye. At the end they had retired army men and women, in wheel chairs etc with all there medals, it was just lovely. Then followed the huge!!! Tanks and army trucks and vans with the guns, crazy how big they are. In my picture you can see some of the dogs, so well trained and behaved, Sat when they stopped marching and stood back up when they continued. As the march was going on, fighter jets flew over head. Was a lovely thing to do to celebrate the lifes of those that have given there's in the wars and to congratulate those still putting there life on the line.
I followed the crowds to south bank in the hunt for ear plugs. A lot of shops are shut today but I found some, probably the most expensive ear plugs in Australia but if they help then great!
First offical day of working for accom it was okay I just made myself jobs but trying to clean the kitchen is just impossible but yeah not to bad :)
Everyone send your guardian angels my way tomorrow please. Goodnight :)

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