Not 1500 bluebells

Rosie and I went on a bluebell hunt today, I took the proper camera and everything in deference for our special day. But they had all gone. There was one puddle though which Rosie made the most of and a field of sheep which she did lots on jumping about on two legs for. Sheep aside, I was stunned by her sudden obedience, she was very attentive and appeared to have fully hearing, I was sorry I had left her snacks sitting in the kitchen at home.

Normal work was repeating the same things to people just to receive another email describing how they think I have got it wrong. I haven't.

And I have started keeping a handy trowel about my person to dig up weeds as I see them, I will get rid if the creeping bloody buttercup I have decided.

And as ever, you are a marvel for reading this far. I am quite sure you have something far better to do with your time but it's nice to see you.

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