Life with Alice

By elirin

Tracing The Vikings And Other Adventures

Let's check if the countryside sourdough bakery is open, said mum. We need an adventure! I am always up for adventures! It turned out it was open, so off we went.

The first stop was at the church of Ledberg, which is exciting because it has a gigantic Viking grave, which is the hill behind me, in its immediate vicinity, and and rune stone. With dogs on it! So. What better way to check out a Viking grave than to race to the top (careful, mum!)? So we did, and had a great view. Then we went to look at the rune stone. Reading runes is very difficult! No less than three dogs were on it, at least two of which mum claim depict the Fenrisulven, whom you should not mess with, apparently. I promise further investigations...

The sunny sky started to fill with black clouds as we arrived at the farm where there is a sourdough bread bakery "artisan" style with a woodfired oven. Lots of people inside, but we took our turkey sandwich to sit outside. And guess what happened within minutes? It started snowing! Not a couple of flakes, but heavy hail-like snow! We enjoyed our sandwich and just stayed brave. A walkie to check on the local chickens, who lay green eggs that we also bought, and the asparagus field where very soon green shoots will grow at top speed. We will be be back soon.

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