Mono Monday: Holly's Diamonds

When I think of diamond jewellery I always think of Audrey Hepburn wearing this beautiful Tiffany & Co canary yellow diamond necklace as the legendary Holly Golightly in the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany's.

It is one of my favourite films and Miss Golightly is a character I simply love so this shot of Audrey is my choice for today's Mono Monday Diamond theme. Thank you DavidC for the great Mono Monday themes this month.

The other 'diamond' that springs to my mind is the aerobatic maneouvre 'diamond nine' made most famous by the RAF Red Arrows. I saw a great shot on Red10's Twitter a couple of days ago of a 'short diamond' maneouvre but it didn't seem to look right in mono.

The Reds have been busy on SpringHawk training in Greece and tomorrow is the day they get approval to display for the season and the right to wear their red flight suits.

After packing up the Bluewater promo all day today I'll be glad to get stuck into Castle PRing tomorrow. I'm just hoping the rain holds off for a filming recce in the afternoon...

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