
By kaanerdem

Q = mc ∂ t

How did you have your time with chemistry in your high school years? Well, as my first year into this much chemistry, every day has been a time for me to learn, discover and realize new things around me. Plus, a fact of confusion to have; which would luckily be got over in some day at the future. By the end of this week and the start of the other week, things start to get "hot" for us in terms of chemistry. !! (Hope you got my joke) After studying too much on atoms and moles that you can not even see(!) and know if they're true ;) now is the time to for us to study something more familiar to us- thermochemistry or, in other words heat! When I was a kid, I had a fear towards hot stuff as once I burned my hand with a lighter. I hope, this time the chemistry lesson would not let me burn again and I might have some safe, happy time doing chemistry!!!

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