
Thats the number of stickers that Katie earned in her music lesson today. Normally, she can earn maybe 4 - up to one per instrument and one for her week's practise. Today? Well, today she got 10. Because today she walked into her lesson and showed B that she's smashed playing the upper register. The kid is properly proud of herself and worked realllly hard to master that bloody speaker key. Easy enough when you've big fingers. Pretty darned tricky for tiny six year old hands. She's nailed it. And I absolutely loved seeing how incredibly proud B was of her, it was wonderful. These two adore each other. Then Katie went on to play one of the exercises you can see. B asked me if she'd played it before. She'd never even read the page before! So she got three stickers for the speaker key and amazing clarinet practise she's done this week. She got 2 stickers for being very fabulous with her exam pieces. She got 2 stickers for 100% in a theory test she did. And she got stickers for recorder, practise and an extra one just because B was so pleased!! Katie had a lot of fun choosing them all. 

Our day has revolved around the music really. She practised for 80 minutes before school. We speedwalked to school. She had a good day, enjoying some time making up a song that she presented with her two friends to the class. She got a marble for being the only one to spell interfere correctly (because every six year old needs the word "interfere" routinely??!) We speedwalked back ready for music and she had the lesson. She skipped all the way home, played the piano whilst I made her tea, ate her tea and went back to the clarinet!! 

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